Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Dear Parker, 

Sometimes the conversations I have with you are just too much. I would hate to forget any of them, so I post them here, both so that I will remember them and so that you can read them one day and laugh. (Also, you can say to yourself "My kids are normal after all!")

Parker: "Mommy, what does 'sexy' mean?"

Mommy, frantically trying to come up with a three year old appropriate answer: "It means that someone is pretty or handsome to themselves or other people."

Parker: "Oh...So I am sexy and I know it!"

Do you know how alarming it is when your three year old says that? Alarming and hilarious, but the hilarious didn't come until later. That is why we listen to Country music when you are in the car with Mommy. 

Until next time, be good, be happy, and know that I love you.


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